
Hydraulic technology of Mining

Designs of circulating water supply systems 

In the design of circulating water supply systems, in particular, processing facilities for minerals we apply significant experience gained in the implementation of dissertational and research works financed both from the state budget and by private investors. The documentation developed by us corresponds the requirements of the current standards and includes all stages of design.

The project is developed on the basis of a standard form approved by the customer. The design works are carried out with the use of modern specialized software, including design one, in accordance with the list of sections approved by regulatory documentation. The result of the design works includes the feasibility of the parameters and the selection of pumping equipment, stop valves, pipelines, performed on the basis of construction of flow-pressure characteristics.


The list of the main works carried by us is given below.

  1. Calculation of the parameters of the decanter for technological circulating water clearing in the screening classification of JSC "Balaklava ore management" with a size of 0 ... 5 mm.
  2. The project of circulating water supply of the sand enrichment site of the Redut crushed stone quarry.
  3. The projects of circulating water supply for the sites of construction sand processing of Oleksandrivka, Pidgorodnyansky, East Bug, Kamyshuvakha, Velun deposits.
  4. Working designs of the dewatering systems at the Psylerakhy quarry of the JSC "Balaklava ore management", Pobuzhsky and Dolgopristansky sites of the Kapitankovskoye granite deposit, Redut crushed stone quarry, Nikitovsky granite quarry.
  5. The projects of circulating water supply of the sites for the screenings washing of Mokriany stone quarry No.2, Petrovskyi granite quarry, Odarivka deposit of migmatites, Gaivoron special quarry.
  6. The project of circulating water supply for the processing site of the gravel-shell mixture.
  7. The working draft of the external and recycling water supply of the site for washing the slimes of stone processing on the industrial waste landfill in Strizhivka, Korostishivskiy district, Zhytomyr region
Gaivoron special career decanter
Gaivoron special quarry decanter
Slime pit of Oleksandrivka quarry processing site
Slime pit of Oleksandrivka quarry processing site